Wood pigeon in two servings

Joan Salord Roca

Wood pigeon in two servings

Ajoblanco with cashew nuts, tartar, roasted thighs and chanterelles


4 wood pigeons
100 g cashew nuts
100 ml virgin olive oil
500 ml cold water
150 g bread crumbs
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 onion
1 paprika
1 green pepper
1 carrot
20 chanterelles
1 shallot
1 teaspoon mustard


Pluck and clean the insides of the wood pigeons. Remove the breasts and thighs and set everything aside. Make a broth with the carcasses and strain it. This will be used for the second course. We will also set aside the breasts for the second course. From the carcasses that we have made the broth from, we will crumble all the meat and we will also save it for the second course.

To make the ajo blanco we will crush the cashews with the oil, water, bread, garlic and salt, and then we will add the vinegar without stopping mixing. We will reserve it in the refrigerator.

For the thighs, we will cook them in the oven together with the onion, peppers and carrot, cut into large pieces, we will cover it with aluminum foil and we will let it cook for about 40 minutes at 180ºC with a little of the broth that we have made before.
We will simply sauté the chanterelles with a little salt and ground pepper.

And to make the tartar, we will take the part of the breasts that is hanging (you will see it right away when you have the breasts), we will chop this meat very finely as well as the shallot and we will mix everything together with the mustard and a little salt.

Baked wood pigeon rice

Wood pigeon in two servings


400 g rice
800 ml wood pigeon broth
150 g caramelized onion
Shredded meat (the one we had saved)
Wood pigeon breasts (the ones we had saved)


Fry the shredded meat with the caramelized onion, add the rice and the hot broth. Let it cook on the heat for 7 minutes. Finish the rice in the oven for 5 more minutes at 200ºC. Sear the breasts in the pan over high heat, turning them over and over so that they don't dry out.